In 2023 the S&P 500 gained 24.23% per Morningstar. Wait a second, wasn’t there supposed to be a recession? A lot of experts thought there might be and it might have been a safe bet. Inflation was high, interest rates were rising, and we didn’t exactly have a great outlook in January 2023. But they were wrong and staying invested appears to have been the right call. Timing is everything and what is correct today can change tomorrow but realistically a lot of portfolios fixed the 2022 downturn by standing pat. 2023 – The Year Of Terrible Market Predictions ( Last Year’s Predictions: How Did They Pan Out? ( The more interesting thing to me is this commentary by Bill Gross a very famous investor often called “the bond king.” If I was to simplify which is a better company to own stock in McDonalds which has clear annual