It is probably not going to come as a shock that someday you might pass away. This is usually a major financial event in fact. However, when you pass away, is a major consideration. This is usually typified by:

It is probably not going to come as a shock that someday you might pass away. This is usually a major financial event in fact. However, when you pass away, is a major consideration. This is usually typified by:

It is probably not going to come as a shock that someday you might pass away. This is usually a major financial event in fact. However, when you pass away, is a major consideration. This is usually typified by:

             Early Deaths

             Deaths at normal life expectancy

 Initial Planning Concerns to address:

  • If you know you might pass due to say a unfortunately bad cancer diagnosis you often need to prepare for disability prior to death:
    • Have you activated disability waivers on life insurance if you have those? Don’t forget your work life insurance
    • Have you activated your disability insurance if you have it?
    • Do you have early retirement benefits for Disability?
    • Have you applied for Social Security disability? (6 month waiting period until benefits kick in)
    • Have you applied for Medicare (24 month wait until benefits kick in)
    • Do you need to look at a life or viatical settlement of a life insurance policy to cover gaps?
    • Who is going to take care of you prior to Medicare covering a Hospice stay?
  • Where are your important documents kept and does anyone know where these are?
    • Will, POA, Trust documents
    • Passwords and websites
  • Do you understand the Probate and Estate Tax system in your state?
    • Here is our primer on Washington State Estate Tax
    • How are you going to handle Long Term Care