Take Better Control of your Risk Tolerance

Understand the Potential Rates of Return and Volatility for your Risk Tolerance If you have ever researched investing, you have probably come across the concept of risk tolerance. In fact, you may even have taken some version of a risk survey. The concept usually revolves around how much risk or volatility you are willing to accept […]
Sequence of Returns over a 20 year portfolio

Understanding sequence of returns risk is one of the core concepts that affects retirement theory, yet it is so rarely talked about. We talk about how retirees should diversify their ortfolios, adopt the 4% rule, have non-correlating asset classes, or just have a plan for when the market goes down. Please see the Sequence of […]
Sequence of Returns Risk, Basic Math

Understanding sequence of returns risk is one of the core concepts that affects retirement theory, yet it is so rarely talked about. We talk about how retirees should diversify their portfolios, adopt the 4% rule, have non-correlating asset classes, or just have a plan for whenthe market goes down. But why we suggest these strategies […]
Inflation: Understanding the Effects on a Retiree

Almost all of us have felt the effects of inflation on our lives from the rising cost of bread and gasoline to ever increasing costs of health insurance. However, inflation could present a unique problem to a retiree because retirees are no longer working and may be more likely to be on fixed incomes.The first […]